Wednesday 25 November 2015


At 8:44am AEST Thursday 26 the full moon will be at her peak in the mutable air sign of Gemini. The sign of Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury and covers matters relating to communication, self-expression, information and friendships.

The full moon in Gemini reminds us to pay attention to our self-talk, the way we communicate with others and our attitude. There is a strong sense of RELEASE with this moon which will bring things to a head for us so that we can let go of the thoughts, memories and behaviours that hold us back. This message came through for us today…..

“AWARENESS is the key to accessing energy and healing old energetic blocks that stifle you and keep you prisoner. This is a time of adjustment, of dissolving and releasing beliefs, thought patterns and modes of expression that are not in line with your truth and highest good. Pause, reflect and bring your awareness to your breath, for this most basic of processes offers you the greatest ability to release, recode and awaken new energy signatures that are more empowering for you. In truth, it is far simpler and easier than you imagined. It is time to let go……to really let go. Not just in your mind and thinking, but the physical also. Peel off the dense layers and breathe again. Awareness is the key to shifting, releasing and preparing yourself. If you are aware you can better equip yourself for change, growth and advancement.”

Tonight take time out for YOU under the full moon. Sit in a quiet and relaxed state of readiness and RELEASE what no longer serves you. Open your heart to receive the messages that are indeed answers to your prayer.

“The heart is the place where truth and compassion reside, and the throat is the place from which these qualities emerge through our communication.” Robert Simmons.

heart emoticon ~ Sending out beams of love, light and peace to all ~ heart emoticon ~

© Cosmic Codes (Amanda Coppa) 2015

Wednesday 11 November 2015


Wishes are coming true for many Lightworkers on the planet. Divine timing is in play, a portal of light is opening now and we ask that you offer your prayers, hopes and wishes so they can manifest. It’s time to be crystal clear with your intentions. We ask that you look beyond the surface and what you see with your two eyes, and tune into the truth through your third eye. All is unfolding perfectly. You must now step up and take responsibility for the part you play in walking your earthly path. Bring your awareness to that which your heart wants and to that which makes you feel alive. Be proud of who you are and all that you do. It’s time for the butterfly you are to emerge from the cocoon and emerge you will.

Sending 11:11 blessings to one and all heart emotico